Adult Assessments

Dealing with memory lapses, attention difficulties, or sensory processing issues?

The Right Assessment, the Right Diagnosis, and the Right Treatment

Explore the path to clarity and a brighter future through a neuropsychological assessment with Dr. Boxer.

Dr. Boxer is committed to providing holistic, comprehensive, and evidence-based assessment services and personalized support.

What is assessed?

A typical neuropsychological evaluation will involve assessment of the following:

  • General intellect

  • Higher level executive skills (e.g., sequencing, reasoning, problem-solving)

  • Attention and concentration

  • Learning and memory

  • Language

  • Visual-spatial skills (e.g., perception)

  • Motor and sensory skills

  • Mood and personality

Some areas may be evaluated in more detail than others, depending on your needs and goals for the assessment.

What will the results tell me?

Test results provide crucial insights into your cognitive profile, revealing both strengths and weaknesses in specific areas with a sensitivity that other methods might lack. This comprehensive approach is particularly adept at detecting mild memory and thinking problems, serving as a valuable tool for early detection. It aids in distinguishing between normal age-related changes and neurological disorders, offering clarity on conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, stroke, or depression.

These results play a vital role in establishing baselines for a person's skills, enabling objective measurements of changes over time. With a deep understanding of your unique profile, Dr. Boxer can develop targeted treatments that leverage strengths to address weaknesses. Take the first step toward clarity and informed decisions by scheduling a consultation call today.

Ready to take the first step? Fill out our contact form to get started.